Tuesday, October 18, 2016

My future job like physical anthropologist

Hi! Well, really I don't know what I will do with my future after that I will have my degree. I study Anthropology with major in Physical Anthropology. This is very difficult to me because I like a lot Physical Anthropology and its domains. Principally, I want to work in Bioarchaeology (with old bones, in which I will can to do reserch in old populations), Human Paleontology or in Forensic Anthropology (with modern bones, like support to medical legal cases). But I believe that is complicated because these are fields very different. I think that with this career we can have a lot of chances to travel other countries and I hope to travel a lot. I want to know other cultures around the world, human rest from other extinct cultures and I want to know Farm's Corpses that is in United Stated (these is for reseach in forensic sphere).

I feel happy for study Physical Anthropology, because I believe that I will not be in a office everytime. I like to do analysis in laboratory and to work in site. I believe that I chose this career because I can't work with living persons, because I don't have many patience. However, I like a lot human sciences (for example anatomy or histology). For this I selected to have a job with dead persons. Besides, I like that Physical Anthropology work with facet social and biological together.

Finally, I should to say that Forensic Anthropology isn't like Bones or CSI. Yes, this is sad, but these series show all that easy and they have a lot of technology that we don't have (I'm not sure that these technology really exist). Oh! and bioarchaeology isn't like Indiana Jones (on the contrary, we try to don't break things).

Good bye!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

About the next election...

This topic is really tedious to me.  However, I believe that for this elections I will going to vote. In spite of criticisms that I did previosly, I think that to vote is an important civil duty and is possible that one of candidate really will can to do the difference.

I don't like election campaigns, because I think that every year the candidates are the same. They promise a lot of things but is strange when they can do anything and getting it right. Is complicated to find a good candidate that really is obliged with the community. With the mayor that we have now in our district I can see a lot of changes, but this changes were more superficial. I thing that a qualities that should to be a person that have to run for public office is to be responsible, to take him/her work serioly and principally to be obliged with the community. Is important that mayors and city councillors knows the problems of them community and works in the search of solutions.

I don't like politics either work directly with for other persons (because I feel that I don't have the abilities for to be close with strange people). For these I would not hold public office. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

My favourite series: Game of Thrones

Well, this is a bit difficult to me, because I don't really watch TV that much. Besides I have the problem that I can't hook easily to a series. It quickly bores me. For that reason, now I will tell you about a series called "Game of Thrones", that is the only series that now I can follow with enthusiasm and I try to follow all the sunday (but now I suffer because it is in pause). This series is based on the books of George R. R. Martin whose saga is called "Song of Ice and Fire".

Series "Game of Thrones" is about the dispute between a lot of characters to conquer the throne of King's Landing, but also to survive with the arrival of winter and its terrors. This is set in medieval period, but it isn't real, because all was created for a fantastic world. In this series is complicated to say who is the principal character, because there are several stories that happened at the same time. Some of the characters of the series (and that now they continue alive) are Jon Snow (he is bastard son of Ned Stark and that search how confront to "white walkers"), Daenerys Targaryen (she is daughter of the murdered king Aerys Targaryen. She tries to recover the throne that was snatch to her father) and Tyrion Lannister (he is brother of queen of King's Landing and now he helps Daenerys to win the throne). These is a lot of more characters, like Arya Stark, Cersei Lannister, Petyr Baelish or Melissandre, but I don't have time to speak of each one of them.

(Spoiler!) One of my favourite episode was "The Battle of Bastards", that was decisive for the control of "the North". It was really amazing, because Jon Show fight to take away the control of "The North" to Ramsay Bolton. Finally, he achieved to return the North to House Stark and Sansa Stark kills Ramsay for all the bad things that he has done.

Good bye!