Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Last blog!

Well, finally is the last blog!! I feel happy because I suffered with English subjects in university and now I'm so close for finish with it! I admit that English subject of this semester was better than other English subject for me. When I studied in high school I didn't have problems with english language, but since that I have studied in university, subject english has been difficult to me. However, I think that is because I don't have many time to practice. For me, to do blogs was my favourite part of this subject. Many time I liked theme of blog, for example, I liked "My favourite TV show". 

I think that my major problem with English is listening and have a conversation in english with someone. In these moments I'm very nervous and I forget words (I hope improve this for the exam). Besides I have a lot of problems to understand the words in a conversation. For this reason I prefer to write and to read in english. I believe that these problems I could improve its when I will practice a lot. For this summer I will try to practice more listening and speaking.

For my career is necessary to handle a good english. In my major, we read in english everytime and sometimes we should to write in english (for example, when we write the abstracts of our tasks). In professional life I will need to know more english. I hope to know other countries, to have good conversations with other professional anthropologist and to learn more about physical anthropology around the world. Is true when people sayd that "english is the global language".

In summary, someday I will take any full-time course about English.

Good bye!

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